
Most of the English content is translated using GPT-4o.

I’m a student from China, majoring in Electrical Engineering. This major is quite challenging and theoretical at the undergraduate level, so I only get to dabble in tech stacks in my spare time. I definitely can’t create as much as my peers who study Computer Science. (It’s not like I’m going to perform cutting-edge computations for everyone, right?)

I grew up in a small town and am mostly self-taught, which means I’m not exactly skilled at anything.

This blog dates back to 2016, when I first learned how to set up SSR and installed Wordpress just for fun. However, I didn’t really start blogging until 2022.

Btw, I don’t use Arch, I use Debian🍥.

I play games like osu, cytus, arcaea, and lanota.

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Theme Stack designed by Jimmy