Well, everything comes at a cost. Running a blog requires a lot of time, effort, and also comes with financial pressure. It’s hard to sustain it solely based on my passion. I haven’t placed any ads because I don’t want my blog to become something I dislike. Therefore, your support will be the only source of income for this blog.
If you like my content, feel free to donate and support me, giving me the motivation to continue updating.
By using my AFF links, you can get the services you need while helping me save costs. Here are the services I personally use:
Fiat Currency
We accept WeChat, Alipay, and Aifadian.
Aifadian homepage: https://afdian.com/a/powerfullz
Foreign Currency
Paypal and other payment methods will be available soon.
Dogecoin(Mainnet): DG42khMaZYQM3Tgs1SnpXG2e2nX8JuXVtw
USDT and others are temporarily unavailable.